
Writing Minor



有效的沟通是非常重要的. The ability to write well provides added confidence and a competitive edge for life beyond college, 无论你是打算去读研还是参加工作. Our cross-disciplinary writing minor allows you to build a minor that includes courses in communication, creative writing, 精通数字媒体. 它和艺术专业很搭 & 理学院,以及商学院和教育学院. The minor also offers the opportunity to gain valuable practical experience with options like writing for The Courier newspaper or working in the Writing Studio.

为需要有效沟通的职业做好准备.e. 通过辅修写作!

另一个次要的选择是 English Minor.


  • Writing Minor
  • 19 Units
  • Choose six courses. 至少有两个必须有WRT前缀:
  • ARTG 270:数字出版
  • 3

In this course students will develop page layout skills utilizing composition and typographic principles while learning to use Adobe InDesign and the creation of images in Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop, 包括制作传单的文字, posters, newsletters, magazines, brochures, calendars, etc. Class fee: $50. 这门课每年春季学期开设.

  • BSC 318:语言学
  • 3

This course will study language as a fundamental component of human beings by examining the link between experience, culture, 通过研究语言是如何交流的, changes, 并被策略性地用来达到社会目的.


  • 英语语言的历史和发展
  • 3

An overview of the history of English and an examination of the development of the language through its linguistic elements, 这门课程将包括传统和现代语法, phonetics, syntax, semantics, 语言变化的模式, dialects, orthography, etymology, 代表口头和书面沟通, 以及其他相关问题. Prerequisites: (ENG 201 or CENG 201 or CENG 202) and ENG 271.

  • COM 222:新闻理论与实践
  • 3

本课程将介绍新闻写作的基础知识, style, theory, investigation, ethics, 采访,包括新闻, features, sports, review, and opinion styles. At least six (6) written articles will be submitted to The Concordia Courier.

  • COM 280:人类交际理论
  • 3

As a systematic exploration of the theories scholars use to explain human communication, 这门课将涉及修辞, persuasion, interpersonal, intercultural, small group, media, organizational, 以及性别交流.

  • 数字媒体通信
  • 3

本课程将着重于人格, inventions, developments, terminologies, and issues closely associated with seven (7) mass media industries with a special emphasis on internship preparation and media job opportunities. 使用商业杂志进行文章报道, newspapers, 媒体专业人士阅读的行业期刊也是必需的.

  • 修辞和说服理论
  • 3

主要是从社会科学的角度, 本课程将探讨影响的基本理论和技巧, 培养学生的自然意识, function, 态度改变的范围以及态度的概念, credibility, 拒绝说服, ethics, 现代广告实践.

  • COM 371:社交媒体入门
  • 3

This course will explore the fundamentals of and introduce social media and other emerging technologies and tools, 当前趋势和未来方向, benefits, values, and risks. Case studies will be reviewed to assess how social media impacts and influences fields such as communication and marketing and how it informs future trends and developments. Prerequisites: (WRT 102 or WRT 201) and (COM 280 or MKT 341).

  • 媒体和剧本写作
  • 3

本课程将探讨电台的剧本写作, 电视和电影项目,包括公告, commercials, news, features, documentaries, comedy, 还有游戏和音乐节目.

  • 修辞批评
  • 3

修辞学:修辞学批评的历史、性质、目的和方法. Eight (8) critical approaches to the analysis of human communication events will be studied. 先决条件:初级职称.

  • WRT 223:在创意写作流派和工艺介绍
  • 3

作为一个多体裁的介绍,创意写作的工艺, this course will examine literary conventions as well as the writing techniques and tools essential to effective writing and editing. Prerequisite: WRT 102 or WRT 201 or equivalent.

  • WRT 324:为儿童和青少年写作
  • 3

As an introductory course to the art and craft of writing for young audiences, students will read, 分析和写作小说和非小说类作品. The course includes market analysis techniques and the submission of work for publication. Prerequisite: WRT 102 or WRT 201 or equivalent.

  • WRT 327:创意写作:小说
  • 3

This course will involve a sustained exploration of the creative process in writing fiction as students complete several short stories, 对已发表的作品进行仔细分析, 参加写作工作坊. Prerequisites: (WRT 102 or WRT 201 or equivalent) and WRT 223. 提供隔年.

  • WRT 328:创造性写作:诗歌
  • 3

This course is designed to sharpen students' awareness of and skill in using the elements of poetry. Students will complete a number of original poems in a variety of traditional and contemporary forms and styles. This class will discuss their own creative work and a wide variety of anthologized poetry in a workshop setting. Prerequisites: (WRT 102 or WRT 201 or equivalent) and WRT 223. 提供隔年.

  • WRT 329:创造性非虚构
  • 3

An examination and discussion of the art and craft of contemporary nonfiction, 练习各种体裁. Course includes market analysis techniques and the submission of work for publication. Prerequisites: (WRT 102 or WRT 201 or equivalent) and WRT 223. 提供隔年.

  • WRT 333:创意写作主题
  • 3

As a focused exploration of genre and subject matter in a workshop setting. Possible topics include nature writing, travel writing, and experimental writing. 选修学分可以重修. Prerequisite: (WRT 102 or WRT 201 或同等)及(CENG 201 或cng 301或同等学历).

  • WRT 337:为舞台和银幕写作
  • 3

An introductory course to the art of writing dramatic works through the exploration of dramatic writing techniques through writing practice, 对已出版作品的仔细分析, 还有学生工作坊. Prerequisite: WRT 102 or WRT 201.

  • WRT 427:高级创意写作
  • 3

This capstone course will provide students with an opportunity to write more intensively and extensively through the creation of new work and revising previously written work in a workshop setting. Prerequisites: Junior or Senior standing; (WRT 102 or WRT 201 or equivalent) and WRT 223 and (WRT 327 or WRT 328) and WRT 329. 提供隔年.

  • 实践经验:从以下选项中选择一项:
  • COM 231:报纸1
  • 1

This course will introduce the practice of journalism with an emphasis on one or more combinations of news writing, opinion writing, layout, 以及《正规赌博十大平台排行》的制作.

  • HST 403:主题在历史编辑
  • 1

In this course, students work with a professor to build and edit an academic history journal, 每年强调一个与这类工作有关的专题. 学生将编辑文章提交、书评和论坛. Students will also help generate content for the journal by either providing their own work or by encouraging submissions from the student body. The final product will be a printed academic journal to be distributed around the campus. May repeat 4 times for credit and 3 units may be used to fulfill major requirements.

  • PAS 398:二级校长的学术展示
  • 3

This course is for students who wish to earn credit for their Tier II President's Academic Showcase project. 这门课程可以修1-3个学分. 学生的项目将获得及格/不及格的成绩.

  • PAS 498:一级校长的学术展示
  • 3

This course is for students who wish to earn credit for their Tier I President's Academic Showcase project. 这门课程可以修1-3个学分. 学生的项目将获得及格/不及格的成绩.

  • WRT 392:实习:写作工作室
  • 1

这是一个实用的, hands-on learning experience intended to complement a student’s work in the Writing Minor. 注册前需要项目主管的批准.

  • WRT 393:实习:鸟
  • 1

这是一个实用的, hands-on learning experience intended to complement a student’s work in the Writing Minor. 注册前需要项目主管的批准.

The Registration for Practicum form must be completed with approval from the appropriate program director (Writing Studio) or faculty advisor (The Aerie) before registering for one of these choices.

Current students, please note: The requirements listed here may not reflect the most current courses for this minor and may not be the requirements for the catalog year you are following to complete your minor. Please refer to the Academic Catalog 对于官方要求,你必须符合资格.

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